Monday, March 8, 2010

This year I have been experimenting with a new technique of teaching my Algebra II students. It seems to be going quite well. It goes something like this. Instead of lecturing on a new topic during class, I create a video of the lecture using a tablet PC and Camtasia Studio. Each lecture lasts around 7 to 10 minutes. I upload the lecture to several locations, including my podcast csusmathvideos, and I assign the video as homework. When the students come to class the lecture portion is over, so I get to spend all of my time with them working on cool problems. The students love it because they can pause during the lecture to take notes, or rewind the video if they don't understand a particular step. Here is a collection of my videos; my primary host is since they don't have the 10 minute cap that YouTube does (that I sometimes go over).